We decided to share horse show photographer Andrew Ryback Photography’s post. We agree with both the great message on the child’s shirt, as well as in his post.
Horse Show Photo of the Day from the Vermont Summer Festival!!! Ok – besides this photo being adorable – what really caught my attention was the phrase on the little one’s shirt. It says, “Be a Buddy, not a Bully.” The internet is like the wild, wild West lately and people sitting behind keyboards oftentimes say things that are borderline bullying and definitely rude. Just the other day, I had to remove a comment from one of our photos where an adult decided to rip into a child’s equitation. Yes, an adult – who should know better. Keep in mind with this account – if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. I have no problem removing negativity. Alright, I’ll jump off my soapbox now and let you enjoy this cuteness…