Great information!
As the temperate and humidity rises, so does the stress on your horse’s body. Here are a few tips to reduce heat stress and ward off heat stroke.
1. Plenty Of Fluids: Make sure your horse stays hydrated and has plenty of electrolytes. Learn to check for dehydration at:
2. Modify Ride Times: Ride early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are lower. Also consider shorter workouts.
3. Hose Down: After riding give your horse an all-over cold hosing. IMPORTANT – Scrape off the water after you are finished cold hosing. Leaving a layer of water on the horse traps in the heat. By scraping off the excess water you allow the remaining water to evaporate and cool your horse.
It is important to monitor a horse’s vitals: temperature, pulse, and respiration (TPR). Normal TPR rates:temperature 99-101.5, pulse: 30-44 beats per minute and respiration 12-24 breaths per minute. If TRP rates are elevated, and remain elevated, several minutes after your ride cool down contact your veterinarian and begin cold hosing your horse.